Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

At Practice we use the latest technology in hair removal. Our hair removal treatment in Camarillo, CA, is painless and uses laser pulses at low levels to effectively remove hair and provide long-term results. The hair follicle is heated, and the laser inhibits the ability to re-grow. After each treatment patients will notice less hair grows back, and our goal is permanent removal.

The hair removal technology offers a cooling system to keep patients comfortable. Our doctors offer a detailed consultation and exam to discuss areas patients wish to treat and will develop a customized treatment plan that outlines how many treatments are recommended for optimal results. Our team can help you maintain your results over time, and can accommodate both a consultation and treatment in one visit.

What Areas Can Laser Hair Removal Treat?

  • Underarms
  • Neck
  • Face
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Bikini line

What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

  • Treatment is painless
  • Removes hair quickly and effectively
  • Is safe
  • Allows patients to achieve hair-free areas on the body or face
  • Can treat all skin types

What To Expect During a Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

There is little preparation required before a laser hair removal treatment. We require areas being treated to be shaved prior to coming to your appointment. Patients should avoid using any skincare products at least a week before their treatment. Avoid skin irritation from the sun, and when you arrive at your appointment make sure to have clean skin with no makeup, deodorant, or lotions.

Our Practice in Camarillo, CA, is equipped with the latest technology and offers a comfortable and welcoming environment for our patients. Our skilled doctors will hold a wand-like device on the areas that are being treated and we offer a topical anesthetic to help with any discomfort. Treatment times vary depending on the number of areas and location on the body or face. Once your treatment is complete our team will discuss post-care instructions while the areas heal at home. There is little to no recovery after laser hair removal and patients can resume activities the next day after their treatment.

What Results Can I Expect?

Patients can see hair reduction up to 90% after laser hair removal. Multiple treatments are necessary to prevent hair re-growth. Typically, patients need at least 3-8 treatments each between 4-8 weeks apart. Each patient’s results are different depending on the type of hair, color, and thickness. Age and metabolism also play an important role in hair growth rate and may alter results.

Are You Interested in Finding Out More About Hair Removal in Camarillo, CA ?

If you are tired of dealing with hair that is stubborn and or looking for a Practice near you, we invite you to Contact Channel Islands Oral Maxillofacial. Dr. Jesse Lanzon and Dr. Reynaldo Rivera have years of experience in hair removal and love to help patients achieve results. We offer many skin care services at our Practice in Camarillo, CA, and only provide quality treatments. Let us help you achieve your goals with the best care possible at Channel Islands Oral Maxillofacial.

To get started contact our team today by calling Channel Islands Oral Maxillofacial to schedule your consultation and start the process towards smooth and hair-free skin.

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

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